How to Check Your Blender Version: A Quick and Easy Guide

Check your Blender version – In recent versions of Blender (past Blender 2.8), the Blender version is indeed displayed consistently in the status bar at the bottom right corner of the window.

check blender version at the right corner of the window

Knowing your Blender version is essential for compatibility, troubleshooting, and taking advantage of the latest features. Even though the status bar is the most common way to check the version, this article includes alternative methods that might be useful if the status bar is hidden or you’re working with an older version.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the simple steps to check your Blender version in different situations.

Method 1: The Splash Screen

check blender version on the splash screen
Blender Icon(Just before File menu) > Splash Screen
  1. Launch Blender: Open Blender as you normally would.
  2. Check the Top Right: The moment Blender opens, take a glance at the top right corner of the splash screen. Your Blender version (e.g., Blender 3.6.0) will be clearly displayed.

Method 2: The Blender Menu

check blender version in About blender
Blender Icon> About Blender
  1. Access the Blender Menu: In the top left corner of the Blender interface, you’ll see the Blender logo. Click on it.
  2. Find “About Blender”: In the dropdown menu, select “About Blender”. This will open a small window.
  3. See Your Version: The Blender version will be prominently displayed in this pop-up window.

Method 3: System Information

check blender version using commandline
Help>Save System info
  1. Go to “Help”: In the top menu bar, locate the “Help” section.
  2. Choose “Save System Info”: Click this option to generate a detailed text file.
  3. Find Your Version in the File: Save and open the text file. It contains a wealth of information, including your exact Blender version.

From the Command Line

If you’re using Blender from the command line, you can check the version by opening a terminal or command prompt and navigating to the directory where Blender is installed. Then, run the following command:

./blender --version

Why Knowing Your Blender Version Matters

  • Compatibility: When using tutorials, add-ons, or assets, ensuring they match your Blender version prevents errors and frustration.
  • Troubleshooting: If you encounter issues, the Blender version is critical information for seeking help online or reporting bugs.
  • New Features: Staying up-to-date on releases means you can take advantage of the coolest new tools and improvements in Blender.

Staying on Top of Blender Updates

Blender development is incredibly active! Visit the official Blender website ( for the latest release notes and update information.

Also Read: Troubleshooting: Blender Model Disappears When Zooming Out

Let me know if you have any questions!

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